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Building Controls Technology

DCSD is partnering with Arapahoe Community College (ACC) to offer students a pathway in Building Controls Technology (BCT) that is geared toward students who desire a possible career in construction, electrical, and building automation trades.

Students will train for exciting hands-on work in a fast-growing career field. Courses cover a wide range of topics including: basic electricity, industrial wiring, control systems, building materials, and construction systems. Topics include electrical installation, conduit and raceways, how to use a multimeter, precision measurement, electrical and mechanical torque, basic hand and power tool safety, and OSHA safety.

Students will gain employable skills and work towards an internship in year 2. Students can also matriculate to ACC and continue to earn college credit in BCT where they will further learn to install, repair, and maintain a building's computer-controlled mechanical and electrical systems, including its heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and energy management systems.


Applications will be available from January 10 - March 7, 2025

Note: Year 2 Student Applications will be send directly to students by Instructors.


Pathway Prerequisites

For Building Controls, students must meet one of the following math prerequisites: MAT 1140 or higher; PSAT(10)/SAT
Math: 500 or higher; ACT Math: 19 or higher; Accuplacer: NGQA 240 or higher or NGAF 245 or higher; Any qualifying AP, IB
or CLEP score for MAT 1140 or higher.

Learn more about ACC's Prior Learning Assessment

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Credit Opportunities

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Postsecondary Partner

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